Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Final Paper (AMENDED POST)

The Section B EWS Final Paper will be held on Saturday, December 6, from 3-6 pm, at 90 Clifton. The Section A paper will proceed as scheduled on Friday December 5, 3-6 pm. Please come to the auditorium on time for your paper.

Grading for all of EWS except the final exam (obviously) has been completed. There will be no negotiation for extra marks. I am not accepting any late blog entries. The only thing you should do is make sure that I get your approved leave letters before the final exam on Friday, so that I can make the appropriate changes to ZABDESK. After the grades for the final exam are entered, the system is locked and that's it! So please take responsibility for your records because I can't do anything to help you once that's over.

It should take me two weeks approximately to finish grading your final exam, so look for your grades towards the third week of December.

Good luck!

Class 15

In this class we finished watching Finding Forrester and had a lecture on Writing for New Media.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Plagiarism Warning

I need to warn all of you about your essays on the death penalty. I have graded one section's papers and found that many students decided to copy their essays off the Internet, or take large sections from articles on Wikipedia and otherwise and try to pass these off as their own writing. Students who engage in this sort of activity will receive a failing grade on their essays.

I have told you about the issue of plagiarism and this kind of activity falls under the aegis of plagiarism.

If you need to quote another source, you must:

If you fail to do these things, you will be penalized.

I cannot stress how severely I look upon plagiarism. Even if you take someone else's writing and put it in your own words (paraphrase) it is still plagiarism if you do not attribute your sources.

You have been warned.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Class 14

In today's class, students presented their advertisements - good job, everyone! We also had a lecture on Propaganda, and began to watch the Gus Van Sant movie "Finding Forrester". Your assignment was to write a blog post on William Forrester's character, looking up the word agoraphobia and relating it to him. You should also look up the real-life writer J.D. Salinger and see if there are any similarities between him and William Forrester in the movie.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Inspired by the Youth For Human Rights videos

Class schedule

Sorry to have had to miss class last week and also Monday - I've had a very bad throat infection. I hope to resume classes by the end of the week, possibly rescheduling today's EWS Section B class for Thursday afternoon. You will be informed of the schedule. 

Friday, October 31, 2008

Presentations - Scripts

Please remember to bring your script to class to hand in for the presentation. This must include your dialogue, visual, and narration and be a printed document with the names of all your group members on it.