Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Final Paper (AMENDED POST)

The Section B EWS Final Paper will be held on Saturday, December 6, from 3-6 pm, at 90 Clifton. The Section A paper will proceed as scheduled on Friday December 5, 3-6 pm. Please come to the auditorium on time for your paper.

Grading for all of EWS except the final exam (obviously) has been completed. There will be no negotiation for extra marks. I am not accepting any late blog entries. The only thing you should do is make sure that I get your approved leave letters before the final exam on Friday, so that I can make the appropriate changes to ZABDESK. After the grades for the final exam are entered, the system is locked and that's it! So please take responsibility for your records because I can't do anything to help you once that's over.

It should take me two weeks approximately to finish grading your final exam, so look for your grades towards the third week of December.

Good luck!


Farhan Bhutto said...

Dear Ma'am,

I checked the new schedule on notice board today, EWS final for both sections A & B will be on friday 5th Dec' 2008 from 3-6. But you mailed on yahoo group and on blog as well that its on sat 6th Dec from 3-6. so i am getting confused here, because on sat 6th i've another fianl on the same timing. I talked to Sir Siddiq (in Academic Office), he asked to request you to help me out.

Hope to get a kind reply from you as soon as possible.
Thanking you.

Yours' sincerely
Farhan Bhutto

Ghouri said...

one really unique kind of blog you;ve got there :)

Rohan said...

The best avatar movie quiz is now available.