Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Class 13

In Class 13,

  • we studied grammar on Politeness, how to frame requests, how to make your requests and commands more polite-sounding.
  • We had a lecture on "How to Write a Persuasive/Argumentative Essay".
  • We worked on an assignment for next class: in groups of four, you will create a radio/tv ad (one minute) for a product of your choosing. You must decide how to present the ad in the most persuasive way possible! You can bring a prop or create a visual for the ad.
  • We peer-reviewed each others' outlines for our persuasive essay on Voltaire's quote and capital punishment, and we viewed some video clips on human rights to get some ideas. Thanks to Zohair Alibhoy, who brought in the clips from the Website Youth For Human Rights.

Here are the products from which you have to choose one to make your presentation:

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