Friday, October 31, 2008

Presentations - Scripts

Please remember to bring your script to class to hand in for the presentation. This must include your dialogue, visual, and narration and be a printed document with the names of all your group members on it.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

89 Chapters - Radio Book Show

This is a great book show that airs on City 89 FM on Thursdays from 2:30-3:30 pm. I know you have a day off from school so why not tune in and listen to Mehvish Murad talk about what's hot? She interviews writers, plays their favorite music, and gives away books to lucky listeners! Today's book giveaway is Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer, the best-selling vampire author. So don't miss out!

Class 13

In Class 13,

  • we studied grammar on Politeness, how to frame requests, how to make your requests and commands more polite-sounding.
  • We had a lecture on "How to Write a Persuasive/Argumentative Essay".
  • We worked on an assignment for next class: in groups of four, you will create a radio/tv ad (one minute) for a product of your choosing. You must decide how to present the ad in the most persuasive way possible! You can bring a prop or create a visual for the ad.
  • We peer-reviewed each others' outlines for our persuasive essay on Voltaire's quote and capital punishment, and we viewed some video clips on human rights to get some ideas. Thanks to Zohair Alibhoy, who brought in the clips from the Website Youth For Human Rights.

Here are the products from which you have to choose one to make your presentation:

Class 12

In Class 12, we had an hourly. Then we studied "How to Write a Thesis Statement". We also discussed George Orwell's "A Hanging". Finally, we talked about the essay topic for Essay number three.

Discuss the following statement in a persuasive essay: "It is better to risk saving a guilty person than to condemn an innocent one." Are you in agreement or disagreement with Voltaire?

Remember that if you AGREE with this quote, it means you are AGAINST the death penalty or capital punishment. If you DISAGREE with this quote, you are FOR the death penalty or capital punishment.

Monday, October 20, 2008



I made a mistake and your hourly is indeed going to take place in Class 12. So here's how we're going to work it.

SECTION A - your hourly is on Friday, October 24, 2008, regular class timing.

SECTION B - your hourly will be on Monday, October 27, 2008, regular class timing.

The makeup class for Section B, which was to be held this Wednesday, will now be held NEXT Wednesday. That will be class 13. Section A's class 13 will be held on Friday as usual.

I apologize for the confusion and hope that you aren't unduly bothered by this change in schedule. All you need to do for the hourly is review the grammar we've been learning - all the verb tenses - and be sure you know "Shooting an Elephant" very well.

Class 11

Here's what we did in Class 11.

- We studied the PAST PERFECT, another verb tense, and we also studied the present progressive and the past progressive. We looked briefly at past perfect progressive and present perfect progressive, but don't worry about that for now.

- We reviewed SHOOTING AN ELEPHANT and did exercises relating to that. The worksheet is due in the next class and you are to blog the paragraph on "enemies" that appears on the first page of that worksheet.

- We studied "How to Analyze an Essay".

- Finally, we read "A Hanging", analyzed it, and you are to figure out the thesis statement and write it in your own words for the next class. Please bring your copy of "A Hanging" to the next class.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Class 10

In Class 10 -

  • We discussed some of the 6+1 traits: Writing Conventions, and Presentation (tbd in Class 11 for Section A).
  • We also did work on grammar, studying the verb tense PRESENT PERFECT. Please review this at home.
  • We had a lecture on some Composition Principles, Style, and How to Outline and Research a Paper.
  • We listened to Poytner Podcasts 10, 12, and 18.
  • Finally, we discussed Shooting an Elephant. (which we will complete in Class 11 for Section A)

Please read "A Hanging" by George Orwell for class 11.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Class cancelled (Section B)

I will not be holding class for Section B tomorrow (October 13). Please keep checking this blog to see when the makeup class will be scheduled, sometime this week (Wednesday or Thursday) hopefully.

Class cancelled

I will not be holding class for Section B tomorrow (October 13). Please keep checking this blog to see when the makeup class will be scheduled, sometime this week (Wednesday or Thursday) hopefully.

Class cancelled

I will not be holding class for Section B tomorrow (October 13). Please keep checking this blog to see when the makeup class will be scheduled, sometime this week (Wednesday or Thursday) hopefully.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Makeup Class for Section A

Section A will have a makeup class on EWS Section A will have a makeup class on October 9th Thursday from 11:30-1:30 in Room-24 at the 90 Campus. This is to make up for the class we missed during the Eid holidays. See you on Thursday!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Class 9

In Class 9. we reviewed hourlies.
We worked on grammar with a section on sentence rewrites and a few mistakes that are commonly made in English.
We reviewed some more of the traits of strong writers - sentence fluency.
We had a lecture on composition principles with technique and style.
And finally, we started our discussion on "Shooting an Elephant" but couldn't finish it because we ran out of time.
Eid Mubarak!