Sunday, August 24, 2008


Welcome to the EWS Blog. I'll post information that you need to know for EWS, recaps of what we do in class, and links to interesting resources for writing. From here I'll check your blogs and make a list of everyone's blogs in class so you can get to your fellow classmates' blogs easily.

In the first class, we went through the following:

  • Course outline
  • What is good writing? Structure vs. style
  • Grammar Assessment test and review
  • Your favorite word
  • Lecture: What is good writing?
Your assignments were to create your own blog, to write a self-introduction of one paragraph and post it on the blog, and to read "Urdu My Love Song" which is available at the photocopying shop.

I asked you to think about your experiences with writing, your comfort level with writing, and how strong you feel you are in English writing and language skills.

Please feel free to leave me any comments about the class in the comments section below.

See you next week!

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